STATUS: Busy. I’m in the middle of negotiating several new deals. What’s playing on the iPod right now? SWEET SURRENDER by Bread The summer heat must be going to people’s heads because this is my third rant in a week regarding odd submissions here at the agency. People! Get down… MORE
70 CommentsDo You Do Big Money To Big Publishers?
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Responses are still trickling in so I’ll probably wait a day or two before tabulating the very unscientific results! Thanks to all who participated in the survey! What’s playing on the iPod right now? DANCING IN THE DARK by Bruce Springsteen In our June newsletter (which will probably go… MORE
25 CommentsPubRants First Blog Reader Poll Or Something Equally Unscientific
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: I’m getting my 80s groove thing on to start the week. How can you be upset when listening to nostalgia music like this? What’s playing on the iPod right now? THE LOOK OF LOVE by ABC So this morning I’m breezing through my copy of Publishers Weekly as we… MORE
203 CommentsHow Not To Land An Agent
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: TGIF and I’m leaving the office before 6 p.m. Almost unheard of. But you guessed it, I’m still behind so plan to work this weekend. What’s playing on the iPod right now? NOBODY DOES IT BETTER by Carly Simon Today was crazy. The phone was ringing off the hook.… MORE
18 CommentsContest Judging—Again!
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: I’m a bit tired so this one is going to be short. What’s playing on the iPod right now? CRUCIFY by Tori Amos I spent the evening judging the paranormal category of the Daphne du Maurier contest for unpublished authors. Oy! It was the point system again. Totally flummoxed,… MORE