I wanted to chat this month about something that happens quite frequently in fiction (both published and unpublished), something I’ve dubbed “miraculous knowing.” This is when answers or solutions conveniently occur to a character at key plot moments. It tends to manifest thusly: • They didn’t know how they knew.… MORE
2 CommentsOn October 15, Publishers Lunch sent out their daily email blast. In it, they rounded up the pre-sales happening before the virtual Frankfurt Book Fair and included this chart, which spotlights the surge in debut-fiction sales. To quote from the article: “As this chart makes clear, the 59 reports in the measured… MORE
Books That Go Bump in the Night
by Angie Hodapp
(Just a note, this article was featured in our October 2019 Newsletter. Some references may not correspond with recent events. To receive our articles first, you can subscribe to our newsletter here.) Happy October, Friends! This has always been my favorite time of year. I love sweaters and scarves and… MORE
(Just a note, this article was featured in our September 2019 Newsletter. Some references may not correspond with recent events. To receive our articles first, you can subscribe to our newsletter here.) I’ve been preparing for a conference where I’ll be presenting on plot structure and voice, among other things,… MORE
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