STATUS: It’s been a bit of a long day. Right now I’m just reading as I’m still a bit behind on client material and requested manuscripts. I don’t think it’s actually possible to get ahead so a perpetual state of being behind is pretty much normal. What’s playing on the… MORE
19 CommentsReport From BEA (Part Two)
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: It’s always a crush when I’ve been out of the office for a week. I’m proud to say I’m now finally seeing open spots on the desktop for the first time today. What’s playing on the iPod right now? BACK HOME AGAIN by John Denver Here’s how I can… MORE
19 CommentsReporting From The Floor
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Tired and my feet are a bit sore. What’s playing on the iPod right now? Nothing on at the moment. Today was my first day at the BEA so I haven’t had anything to report until now. Last night I went to a Hollywood party but for the life… MORE
11 Comments90210
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: It’s been a busy day so far and I still have one meeting scheduled for this afternoon and then dinner with another Hollywood co-agent tonight.What’s playing on the iPod right now? BLUES BEFORE AND AFTER by The SmithereensGot back to my hotel around midnight last night. I couldn’t quite… MORE
13 CommentsBook Expo
by Kristin Nelson
STATUS: Getting to this blog entry late tonight. It’s Friday night and Kristin is not out and about on the town. I’m actually working… I want to finish things up before I leave for LA on Tuesday.What’s playing on the iPod right now? I PUT A SPELL ON YOU by… MORE