Pub Rants

To prepare for this month’s topic, I watched a video from the 2011 Backspace Writers Conference in which Kristin, Scott Hoffman of Folio Literary Management, Suzie Townsend (then of Fineprint  Literary Management, now with New Leaf Literary), and Diana Fox of Fox Literary discussed the nuances of publishing contracts. One of the things I learned is that… MORE

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Happy Release Day Stacey Lee! UNDER A PAINTED SKY is now in bookstores. Since I’ve been doing nothing but blogging about queries for the last week, what better way to celebrate the release of her debut novel than to share Stacey’s original query letter (with permission of course!) Dear Ms. Nelson, I… MORE


And as further celebration, my original pitch letter to editors when this work was on submission. A couple of things to note: 1) As my letter reveals, UNDER A PAINTED SKY was not the original title. We have Stacey’s estimable editor Shauna to thank for that! It was a great… MORE