Pub Rants

Friday Funnies

STATUS: I think I need this holiday! What’s playing on the XM or iPod right now? DON’T BRING ME DOWN by ELOThis needs no explanation. Enjoy this and the long holiday weekend. See you on Tuesday! For a transcript of full text, click here but I recommend watching the video… MORE


A First

STATUS: I spent 3 hours on one conference call this morning. Means the rest of my day should have gone uphill, right? What’s playing on the iPod right now? CRAZY by Gnarls Barkley This may be a sign that we have officially turned some kind of corner in publishing. I… MORE


The Power Of Story—In Any Medium

STATUS: I have a lot on my plate today. If I don’t blog now, it won’t happen. What’s playing on the XM or iPod right now? LITTLE GREEN APPLES by O.C. SmithSince my father passed away in January, I’ve long wanted to write this blog entry but didn’t feel up… MORE