Pub Rants

Agents and editors are always saying they want a high-concept story, but what does that mean? And if you don’t have one, can you still land an agent and sell your book? The definition of high concept is difficult to pin down because it involves a certain level of the… MORE


Gone Hollywood

I used to dream about about this town (Supertramp anyone?), but now I just wish I could have a month free from tackling a film or TV contract. And yes, I realize I’m whining about a good problem to have. This summer I did seven book-to-film deals. (I’d like to… MORE


By Kristin Nelson & Angie Hodapp We had such a blast chatting about the 9 story openings to avoid, we didn’t want the fun to end. So here’s a bonus installment for all you fantasy writers out there! Your fantasy opening pages might be in trouble if… #1) Your novel… MORE


All 9 Story Openings To Avoid in one handy post for easy linking. Happy Reading!   (Hint: if you are an NLA newsletter subscriber, you didn’t have to wait weeks for the final article. Just sayin.’ Head to the NLA home page and click on the “newsletter” button at the bottom of… MORE