Pub Rants

S&S finalizes agreement with Amazon

This went out on the wire late last night. Carolyn Reidy has finalized S&S’s agreement with Amazon. Yes, the same agreement Hachette has been at loggerheads with Amazon for months now. So what is S&S okay with that Hachette isn’t? That’s a very good question….    

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The Pesky Scene Break

(Just a note, this post is from our archives. Some references and links may be from past years.) Last month I did my ever-popular webinar Creating the Road Map for Your Novel. Of the ten participants, half had trouble with a powerful writing tool called the scene break. Now, scene breaks are awesome—unless they… MORE


Last month I gave a webinar on how Digital is rapidly transforming publishing. I love giving this workshop at conferences every chance I get because most writers are completely confused by the stories that are making today’s headlines and how that impacts writers. It’s my chance to really explain all… MORE

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UPDATED 7-9-2014 The fight continues. Amazon proposes paying authors 100% of the royalties as the dispute continues. Click here for NYT Article. Authors Guild says Amazon’s intention is to pit authors against their publisher. Amazon Proposal Rankles Hachette and Authors. Almost better than an episode of Dynasty!   Original Post:… MORE

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