STATUS: It’s after midnight so I’m very ready to go to sleep.
What’s playing on the iPod right now? JACKSON by Johnny Cash
It doesn’t happen often but every once in a while, I’ll pull a late night to push through to the end of a client edit. However, since my brain is now feeling a bit fuzzy, I’ll wait until the clarity of morning (and a nice chai latte) to actual put words to paper for my revision suggestions. Luckily for me, this is the second look at this particular manuscript and the client did a mighty fine job on the revision so we are really just looking at tweaking.
As most agents will tell you, the only time we get a chance to read (uninterrupted) is after office hours. In fact, I never do reading while at the office. There are just too many normal daily issues that need attending to. April/October is our busiest royalty period so a lot of statements are coming in just about every day. That along with current submissions, an issue with an upcoming release, cover discussions, getting ready for Frankfurt, there just aren’t enough hours in the day it seems.
Tomorrow evening is already spoken for with the Colorado Book Awards. Wish Kim Reid luck as her memoir NO PLACE SAFE is in the running.
Chutney has now tucked her head under my knee so that’s the biggest sign that it’s time to call it a day (or should I say, a night?)